Sorcery Digital

Why Every Brand Needs A Blog

why every brand needs a blog

Why Every Brand Needs A Blog In 2021: Digital Marketing & Customer Connections

Granted, everyone keeps pointing out the importance of having a blog for your brand, but no one is actually explaining why you need it. Even though every digital channel has its own, unique benefits, when it comes to a stellar marketing strategy, brand blogs are the quickest way to ranking your website on all the biggest search engines, boost your brand awareness and score those ideal clients that are scouring the internet for exactly what you are offering. Let us explain.

Your brand needs a blog to rank higher on the Google

Professional website copywriting is only the beginning. Engaging blog content for brands is your one-way ticket to making your website searchable. In the 2020s everything has gone digital. Potential clients are scouring the internet for suggestions, product recommendations in the form of engaging, memorable content that actually converts. That’s where blogs for brands really shine. Here is the main reason why your brand needs a blog:

Unlike your core website pages, blogs are taking the form of a consistent web presence that’s beneficial to both the owners and the potential customers. Frequent blog updates offer the benefits of SEO optimisation, a targeted business strategy that allows you to take advantage of a number of keywords to rank higher on Google. SEO-optimised blog articles packed with persuasive words and naturally positioned keywords will grand you a place in the top results for searches undertaker by your ideal customers.


Do blogs for brands really work?

A recent study by Banco perfectly portrays the true power of brand blogs. SnackNation boosted their homepage traffic by 59% thanks to their On-Page SEO strategy that included thorough keyword research and the use of the discoveries to build a highly effective brand blog. If the previous example didn’t “wow” you enough, get this one. Hotel-chain Marriott International’s CEO Bill Marriott managed to generate $5 million worth of bookings annually from chicks that occurred via their company’s blog according to his most recent interview on The Huffington Post. Now, that’s a true return on investment.

Establish yourself as an authority in your field

The SEO boost of having a blog for your brand might be the most beneficial aspect, however, there are many more pros when it comes to blogging for brands. Many start-ups, entrepreneurs, and all types of creatives have managed to establish themselves as an authority in their respected fields through the power of persuasive, yet sales-focused words. What’s the key to success? It’s as simple as sharing high-quality, genuinely valuable tips, advice, and recommendations with the readers. By forming a strong connection with every potential customer, your brand will instantly get associated with authoritative, industry-relevant advice.

The right keyword research & creative web content forms long-term connections.

For example, if you were looking to establish a new, sustainable fashion line, your blog could focus on topics such as the true impacts of fast fashion, why certain fabrics are considered eco-friendly alternatives, and advice on living a green lifestyle. This benefits the brand in two ways. Firstly, it shows your passion and expertise in this specific field, and secondly, it provides the reader with genuinely valuable information. 

There is an array of additional reasons as to why your brand needs a blog, and if you are ready to take your SEO strategy to the next level, now is the perfect time to branch out and do so. Let’s start crafting the perfect combination of memorable words and highly converting keywords together.